Basic commands!

These are the commands that I feel are basic and are the best for beginners/new users to look at and learn about.


This command is essentially the same as a signup button on a website. It creates your account/cafe and allows you to interact with the bot! Without an account, only non-game commands can be used, so this is important!


This is a command you will use a lot. This shows a bunch of statistics, such as your cash, likes, purchases, etc. It even has pagination to save some space. An example can be seen below.


Similarly to the Cafe command, the buy command is an essential command that you will use quite often as you progress. This is where all items that you can purchase are stored. It is important to note that you must have at least one of an item to unlock the next item (it will let you know if it is locked). The buy menu is paginated using reactions! Simply click the right/left icons to move between pages. An example is below.


Everyone loves free stuff, right? This is essentially a daily bonus, so it can be used every 24h. The crates contain cash that varies based on your streak level. Streaks are the # of times you have opened your daily crate within an hour of it refreshing. If you don't use the command within the hour of it refreshing, your streak will reset!


This is where you can purchase upgrades that effect your cafe in different ways. Currently there are only two upgrades, but more will be introduced as time progresses.

Velocity - This upgrade will boost your overall CPS by up to 130%!

Messager - This upgrade boosts how much $ you earn on each message you send.


This allows you to give other players $ that you have earned! However, there is a catch to this. You can only send $ to other players if you have enabled payments/gifting on your account (they need to enable it too), and if you enable this, you will no longer show on the leaderboard. This is to prevent abuse and alt farming.


This shows your cash amount, CPS, and gem count (gems will do something in a future update, so hold onto them!), and it is much smaller than the Cafe command. An example is shown below.


This shows all the helpful information about current events if there is an active one, and it also shows the progress to reaching the $ goal to activate an event. The amount needed to start an event varies based on the CPS of all users. What is neat about events, is that since it is a community based command (ie: everyone pitches in), all players will be affected by the CPS boosted provided by the event. The CPS boost can range from a 1.2x multiplier, to a 4.3x multiplier! An example is shown below.

Event add

This allows you to add $ to the event, to progress the event unlocking.

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