Data, data, data. The fun stuff.

Most people are concerned about what data Chatbots store and save. The only 'sensitive' data Cafe stores is the username, accountid/userid, and discriminator of the users who have an active account, and this updates when the users interact with it. Other than that, nothing but the games items, upgrades, etc are stored. Data is not sold to anyone, and will never be sold or handed out to anyone, no need to worry. Nothing truly sensitive is stored anyway, as usernames and discriminators are publicly available. If you are a user of the bot and would like your data removed from the database, just ask and it will be removed.

In summary: The only sensitive data the bot holds is the username, userid, and discriminator of the user who creates an account, these are both publicly available for anyone to obtain, simply by looking at a users account, other than that, just game data. And no data is sold or handed out, ever.

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